So there we were having a great time as you can see from our smiles in the pictures. At Joya's residence, sumptuous food, excellent company too.
There were Joya Das, Naila Kabeer, Verity Whitworth(Harley), Dorothy Eden(Harley), Rita Payne(Bogahine) and Qamar Nizam(Shabbir) present.
It seems most of us are not really interested in spending time in Gauhati. So those who are interested in visiting Gauhati can go earlier or later. The revised venues are :
1st. November 2009 Arrive at Shillong. Hotel will be sorted out as soon as possible. Dinner together and meet everyone.
2nd Nov Breakfast followed by an introduction of ourselves, relating what we have done in the past and our achievements to date. If we have photos or slides on ourselves, show them etc. Dorothy suggested a picnic lunch at Ashes forest, if its not too cold. Tea with the nuns.
Dinner at Tripura castle. I believe there is authentic Khasi cuisine...what I gathered there are dishes called ROOMBAI and TUMTAAP. Please correct me if I have made a mistake. Can't wait to try them. Everyone else's mouth was watering and the way they were licking their lips.... must be something to look forward to!
3rd Nov Breakfast with Halwa poori, daal puris etc. Tour of our old haunts i.e.. Ashes Forest, Wards Lake, Elephant Falls, Bara Pani, Cherapungi were some of the names mentioned. So coaches will have to be arranged for this tour. Gala dinner
4th Nov We leave Shillong at our own pace.
I hope we will be able to get hold of more of our old friends.
Our next meeting is soon after 9th November 2008. So anyone passing this way, UK, please drop in. Keep in touch, we want to see you.