The exquisite setting in the roof garden and the delicious food could only be outdone by the company of old and new friends.
Here we have Glenda and her daughter next to Qamar, Krishna in red, Marjorie, our oldest "family" member and Joya at the back with Valerie and Sohaila.
Here you will find Shannon carrying Lorna's baby Eamonn and Lorna herself in pink.

Shannon and Eva
Also attending were,Glenda, Krishna's husband Bhashkar,and Valerie's husband John.
Look at the happy family..Lorna, husband Paud and baby Eamonn
Lots more pictures for all to enjoy.
We thank Krishna for visiting us and giving us the opportunity of meeting up with old friends and making new ones. Our little London Loreto family is growing and we are always looking forward to our friends from all over the world coming over and giving us yet another excuse to enjoy good food and excellent company....... do we need an excuse?