Dearest Krishna, Mitu, Ameerah, Taheerah, Naila,Chaman and Kaniz, The reunion was great we are lucky those who made it.It was a bit disappointing that many in Shillong did not join especially our age groups and those in Hyderabad and Delhidespite knowing that it was happening.Well that's the reason we are going to meet the 50's and 60's group in 2010 in Delhi and later London is the next station.Iabella's brain is already working on it.She will get together with the Delhi girls who came to Shillong and work on it. Cheers Iabella and let's all give her a helping hand from a distance.Ruth form Delhi, Fahmida from Dhaka, Priti Devi, from Gujraat, and Zeba Rashid Coudhury form Bangladesh who was there in 1939 made it Thanks for your mails Krishna, Mitu, Ameerah, Chaman, Iabella. Shillong was great the jacaranda was in full bloom and it seemed it grew in Shillong for our centenary. Amazingly we did not notice the beautiful purple bloom while in school. But believe me there were two trees near the summer house and Ameerah, Naila and Qamar used to play Red Indians and Cowboys and tie up prisoners to the tree.Were we too short in height to look at the bloom or were we not interested. Mitu and Krishna were at Gauhati airport and after 48 yrs we met and continued as if we parted yesterday only. We continued from where we left off. They both look so dignified and poised. Mitu is very strong living in Gauhati...She recently lost her mother, and her husband passed away 10years earlier. Her kids and grandchildren are in Canada. Where she goes often. Well many of our friends are having grandchildren...but when we were together did we feel like grandmother's?NO!!! It would have been great if out grand kids saw us dancing at the Shillong Club where it was reported that the grey haired ones were making the most of the dance and rowdyism. Taheerah and Qamar made it by Tamabil and attended all functions. The Mass and Openeing Ceremony. Ameerah, Naila and myself made it via Kolkata andGauhati. Krishna's husband Bhashker Barua and Krishna were our Guardian angels and accompanied us everywhere. It was relaxing and tension free having such angelic guides. They stayed in Assam House and we in Tripura Heritage Castle... a great place. My room had the bed and writing table used by Rabindranath Tagore on his visits. Preeti and her vivacious niece were in the Castle. The niece Pragya was the highlight of our stay she was so entertaining and chatted a lot with us. We had a party there on 21st for our batches to which Shanta Bose and her husband and Nurjehaan came. We went for tea mornings and brunches too to Amy Rahman's house, Iabella's family home where her sister Sella stays and gave a huge hand for the Alumnae work.We visited Valerie Godetti who has a house on top of the hill away from the city. All houses are cosy, small neat, clean tea kettles shining as if bought from the market yesterday to boil water. They wash it with Kala sabon. Iabella's kettle was from her mother's time.The gardens in every house was so pictueresque and everyone takes such care of the vegetables and flowers there. We feasted our eyes on them.Amy served us salad and vegetables from her garden. We went to Police Bazaar, Ward's Lake, Elephant Falls and Shillong Peak. All the functions were great at the school and our nuns may there soul rest in peace I hope did not turn in their graves to see the sexy dance movements and backless dresses. All big functions were held in the Campus which was covered with Shamiana. We went down to the campus from the Grotto way and down the steps.The opening ceremony, Fourteen dances of Loreto schools in India, The dinner etc was there. Alumnae had brunch in the Hall . At one point we were taken to the class room. We sat there and reminicised our scool days. Sitting in those chairs and looking out at the clear blue sky which I did often.I think we were all moved by the experience. Well the organizers were great and have successfully celebrated the centenary. That's all for today. Cheer up those who did not make it look forward to Delhi meet and the London meet. Love, Ameenah Ahmed
1 comment:
I am a New York City-based journalist, a LC product.
Could you tell me about this blog? Was there a LC reunion or something?
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